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January 2, 2020 1:23 pm  #1

How streaming and other data demands take a toll on the environment


January 2, 2020 5:53 pm  #2

Re: How streaming and other data demands take a toll on the environment

"takes a toll on the environment". i don't get what that means. in my opinion, a more accurate statement is "changes the environment". news alert...everything changes the environment. perhaps the original line should be "takes a toll on us"? another "oh brother" statement (to me) is "saving the planet'. in my opinion, george carlin was right. no matter how important we think we are there's no way we can destroy the planet. however, we can change it to the point where we can't live on it anymore... but that sounds a bit too self-serving. end of rant.


January 2, 2020 6:13 pm  #3

Re: How streaming and other data demands take a toll on the environment

( the risk of turning this into a climate change rant...)

Funny thing Hank, that Carlin was more in tune with the way the earth actually works than most climate activists.  Check this out:

Turns out the bacteria wasn't even discovered until 2010.  Once again, Mother Nature had a problem and found a solution.