I am not so sure about this article, I don't know if print is so relevant...but in yesterdays edition of Metrolands "Niagara This Week" the article makes a case for the relevancy and success of newspapers in today's changing world of content...
The article states that millennials and us older adults react and engage with newspapers, both from the content and with the ads...
I am not so sure if this is on the up and what is your take? Do you agree with what is being said in this article or is a little "Tooting of our own horn" happening here?
Here is the article.
I don't think there is likely anything actually inaccurate in the Niagara This Week article. Just have to keep in mind when they are referring to newspapers they are always talking about the printed product AND digital on line formats of the paper. They are tooting their own horn, but feature articles like this along with soft news is a big part of weekly or community newspapers.
Many newspapers actually do have more readers than ever, when you include readers of both the print and digital versions. The Globe and Mail's printed numbers are down, but their readership or viewership on their website and apps is huge. Digital versions of papers also pick up a lot of new readers that have never read a printed copy of the paper. The paywall has been an issue since it is difficult to have people pay for something that had been free.
Most newspapers that have a paid circulation or weekly papers owned by paid circulation companies are generally trusted news sources by most Canadians which is true. Same holds for their websites.
Print advertising is very effective, but a lot has to do with what is being advertised. The article is accurate that print is likely the most effective in some respects since the reader is focused on the ad and will read and refer back if they are interested. Also newspaper advertising allows the customer to promote many more items than they could in a radio or television ad. Car dealerships like print ads because of the sheer number of vehicles and photos they can feature.
But in reality any media, radio, television, billboards etc. can usually make a fairly compelling case why they would be the best value or effective for advertisers.
Where newspapers are in trouble is the tanking of circulation numbers for the print version of most papers. Even though viewership is normally huge on line for daily newspapers, monetizing websites with advertising has been difficult. On line advertising for most papers hasn't been able to replace lost revenue from the printed product. Classified and national advertising losses have been huge for newspapers.
Last edited by paterson1 (October 6, 2019 5:50 pm)