Normally I don’t allow a lot of shilling here but I’m going to make a small exception. The guy who founded the original SOWNY Board many decades ago (it’s been through a number of moderators since then) has written a new book. And it’s pretty good.
Dale Patterson is a longtime member of this place, runs the aircheck site Rock Radio Scrapbook and is the PD/MD and chief bottle washer at oldies non-hits Oh Wow Radio on Live 365.
He was kind enough to send me a copy of his latest tome (his third book!) called “Close But No Cigar.” It’s about the people who had the bad luck of coming in second or missing their big shot at the brass ring, and it’s divided into sections about politics, showbiz, history, sports and more. But my favourite section is about primarily rock musicians and how they missed their shot at the big time or somehow came in second. (Although the guy who eventually lost out on becoming British P.M. to Winston Churchill because he went to the dentist has to be a highlight!)
It’s a great idea and it’s very readable, with each example no longer than a page or so. That makes it perfect for a ride on transit or even a ride on the commode. You can find out more about it here if this sounds like the kind of thing you’d like to explore.
Dale wanted me to pass along the fact that on Tuesday, Sept. 17th, he’ll be a special guest on board fave Freddie Vette’s show on CJBQ from 4-7 PM, reading more examples, playing related hits and giving away some copies.
Nice going Dale! I’m not sure where you found all this stuff, but it’s anything but “second” best!
Thanks RA. We have a book launch next Saturday at the Falcon Brewery in Ajax. The proprietor - a former publisher himself - is offering a free beer for every book we sell:
Just want to publicly thank Ted Woloshyn for having me on his News-Talk 1010 show last Saturday. Ted has a way of putting his interview subjects at ease, and the piano interludes from Bill King are quite classy. Thanks again Ted for your support.
I was out walking the dog around 4:20 PM, and tuned in CKTB. When what to my wandering ears do I hear but Mr. Patterson on the Larry Fedoruk show. Wish I'd known about your appearance Dale. I missed a bit of it and would have liked to have heard the whole thing.
Great bonus plug for, though. It was nice of Fedoruk to ask about it.
RadioActive wrote:
I was out walking the dog around 4:20 PM, and tuned in CKTB. When what to my wandering ears do I hear but Mr. Patterson on the Larry Fedoruk show. Wish I'd known about your appearance Dale. I missed a bit of it and would have liked to have heard the whole thing.
Great bonus plug for, though. It was nice of Fedoruk to ask about it.
Here's the entire interview. Thanks to Larry for having me on, and for promoting not only "Close, But No Cigar" and my previous two books, but the web site.
Great interview Dale and congratulations on the new book! I have been a fan of rockradioscrapbook for many years. For a long time one of the last things I do every Sunday evening is check out the aircheck of the week.
All the best Dale and thanks for all of your hard work on your many projects. I enjoy Oh WOW! your internet radio station as well, and all of those great songs (many of them cancon) that radio forgot.
paterson1 wrote:
Great interview Dale and congratulations on the new book! I have been a fan of rockradioscrapbook for many years. For a long time one of the last things I do every Sunday evening is check out the aircheck of the week.
All the best Dale and thanks for all of your hard work on your many projects. I enjoy Oh WOW! your internet radio station as well, and all of those great songs (many of them cancon) that radio forgot.
Thanks very much. I really appreciate your kind comments on both the web site and the internet station. They are both a labour of love. I've discovered so many songs in the year "Oh Wow" has been in operation it's truly amazing. Here's one from Gary Puckett and the Union Gap from 1969 that really shoulda been a hit. Sounds like a Jimmy Webb song (it would have been perfect for Glen Campbell). Take a listen: