A caller/participant on AM 740's "Face the Music" trivia show yesterday remarked that its signal is so weak that he listens over the internet.
Really? I travel around the south end of Georgian Bay and east to Hwy 12 around Ramara and Lagoon City and have no difficulty receiving AM 740
Lindsay and Peterborough are developing as empty nester/retirement communities, a logical market for AM 740. Can't understand why its signal should fade so quickly
Perhaps lurker/contributor "Andy" who identifies himself as a Peter-boro-ite could weigh in on this
The Zoomer website boasts a signal that goes from Kingston to Windsor, Parry Sound to Pittsburgh. And indeed, the 740 clear channel signal is one of the strongest in all of North America. Unless the person complaining lives in a building heavy with steel, which can block AM signals, or has the worst radio in history, I can't fathom that they can't hear it over the air.
A friend of mine lives in Milton not too far from the new outlet mall which is directly across hwy 401 from the AM740 site. On his old land line phone, the station would be faintly heard playing
As dictated to my iPhone: no 740 problems in the Kawarthas that I have experienced. I make it up there a couple of times a year, as I’ve been living in Niagara since 1993.
740 pounds into Peterborough 24-7 just like 860. The listener must be in a bad location - basement or a flat on the wrong side of an apartment block.
Last edited by andysradio (September 20, 2019 3:55 pm)