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September 13, 2019 8:59 am  #1

The Other Side Of CFRB's Jon Pole

Most here know him as the host of CFRB's Nightside and as a 1010 fill-in host. But there's the other side of Jon Pole we rarely get to hear - as the founder and boss of the MyFM radio stations. 

Jon Pole On Where MyFM Is Now - and Where It's Going Next


September 13, 2019 3:09 pm  #2

Re: The Other Side Of CFRB's Jon Pole

A great coach knows how to manipulate the best from their talent, A bad coach sits there resenting them, believing he should be playing not coaching.  I've known both.

Jon's one of the few managers / owners in this business who believe they can be as good on-air as their talent, turns on a mic. and proves it.   Those guys are awesome to work for, because they don't ask you to do something they know can't be done, and motivate you to a standard they believe you can hit, based on their past experience. 

Without blowing sunshine, my current boss is one of those guys also.  

(it tends to comes from programmers who have a history and love of programing and not EBITA, TRAM and is more concerned over that first quarter report to shareholders.  Not that those aren't important, but too many are promoted from the 'sales' end of the office which was always the antithesis of programing till a few years ago.)

Madness takes its toll.  Please have exact change.

September 13, 2019 3:12 pm  #3

Re: The Other Side Of CFRB's Jon Pole

I've always been somewhat astounded that this guy, who is very good on air, owns an entire chain of radio stations and yet chooses to do a daily talk show on someone else's airwaves! I can't recall anything like that happening before and frankly, with a company to run, I have no idea where he finds the time. 

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