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August 30, 2019 5:42 pm  #1

More Proof T.O. Stations Don’t Take CKNT Seriously

It’s not news that CKNT isn’t a player in the GTA radio market, but it now appears they’re not even present at all in the minds of the competition - and some of their own hosts!.

If you need proof of that, look no further than GNR 640 on Friday afternoon, when John Oakley had Barry Davis on to talk about the Houston Astros coming to town to take on the Jays.
The problem? Davis’ show, “The Spin,” airs during afternoon drive on Sauga 960, although a quick tune-in shows he appeared to be off on vacation on Friday. In other words, he was on another radio station at the exact same time his own show was airing on CKNT!
I’ve noticed this with Karlene Nation, who also fronts an hour long program out of the Mississauga outlet, and then frequently turns up as a panelist on 640 later on in the day. But at least her show airs at noon and she’s not competing with herself.
No one else would let this happen (can you imagine Jerry Agar winding up on say, CHML, to comment on the issues of the day?) so I can only surmise that these guys are all freelancers or buy time on CKNT, leaving them free to do what they want.
But I can’t recall ever hearing the host of one show turning up on another unrelated station, even as he was competing against himself.

And the saga of Sauga 960 continues...

(By the way, has anyone else noticed the frequent signal interruptions that have been plaguing 640 over the past few days? During an interview with Conrad Black on Friday afternoon, the station went off the air briefly at least three times in less than 15 minutes. And it's not the first time I've heard that this week.) 


August 31, 2019 7:00 pm  #2

Re: More Proof T.O. Stations Don’t Take CKNT Seriously

Something went wrong somewhere.
Just make money on hockey coverage (if possible) and let the rest be some sort of community (college) radio worthy content that can help establish an air check or something. 
Maybe even change the name to Stepping stone radio?  

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