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August 27, 2019 8:36 pm  #1

Tragically Hip Radio on Sirius XM

Sirius XM Canada has their Tragically Hip Radio channel running on ch. 757 which is available on line and through various apps. Similar to the other artist channels, all of the groups music will be highlighted, and  lots of interviews covering the Hips whole career and history. Cover versions and music from artists that were influenced by the band will be included as well.

Curious if Sirius XM has been losing subscribers to the various free radio apps. I have noticed a marked increase in new channels from them and receiving quite a few more emails regarding new offers and free sampling. 



August 27, 2019 10:22 pm  #2

Re: Tragically Hip Radio on Sirius XM

Lots of ads on Twitter for this all Hip channel. Is there a single band/artist that warrants that much radio play that you'd want to listen them to that obsessively? Guess so from the specialized channels on offer.