He moved from righty to lefty politics against all odds.
(why the Post Millenial links? What's next Breitbart of Infowars?)
Not sure if he moved or just stood still as conservatism got yanked to the far right.
Wow, Broodcaster. Very astute. Bravo.
I have my moments!
Broodcaster wrote:
Not sure if he moved or just stood still as conservatism got yanked to the far right.
There is nothing uncertain about it: he most definitely moved abruptly and massively. Literally the prototyipcal Damascene Conversion.
6079 Smith W wrote:
Broodcaster wrote:
Not sure if he moved or just stood still as conservatism got yanked to the far right.
There is nothing uncertain about it: he most definitely moved abruptly and massively. Literally the prototyipcal Damascene Conversion.
While a lifelong "small c" conservative myself, who nontheless hates the move to the "extreme right" by some elements; Coren has indeed not stood still. It takes a deliberate decision to walk the many steps he has made to the left, in order to support Justin & co. after a lifetime of criticicizing the Liberal Party and its platforms and policies.
Last edited by Media Observer (August 9, 2019 9:00 pm)