The American Presidential race is going to be fun to watch...already today in Iowa, President Trump is going at Joe Biden and Biden is going after "The Donald"...
This will be a media news frenzy soon, never mind the Canadian election, the U.S. is going to be juicy!
In an interesting piece on Donald Trump former Toronto Star (Remember the Rob Ford addiction issue scandal) Daniel Dale who has been covering Trump, states that The President has lied 5, 276 times since the inauguration. Dale has been acting as a fact checker for the past few years and is now at CNN (A far cry from the Red ...err...Toronto Star)...
Here is a write up and a link to an interview (8 minutes) with Daniel Dale as he appeared on CBC radio's Day 6 this past weekend...
Enjoy the listen and read and as the election will heat up soon, May God Bless America, no seriously, God really has to bless them!
Also, here is Dale on CBC News a few months ago talking about the same issue...
Last edited by Muffaraw Joe (June 11, 2019 5:49 pm)