The CRTC is scheduled to decide this coming week on a long simmering issue - who will be awarded a cable TV ethnic channel that is not only national but is must carry on cable and satellite? Rogers, of course, already has its OMNI up and running but that doesn't mean they'll get it. There are seven others who've made applications, including - to no one's surprise - Bell Media.
TeleLatino is also in the mix along with Corriere Canadese, the long published Italian newspaper. And there are a number of other lesser known competitors in the race.
It will be very interesting to see what happens if Rogers, which obviously has the most material compiled and a service that's already up and running, doesn't get it. What will that mean, if anything, for its own local OMNI stations?
Stay tuned. The decision is due this week. And whatever happens, a lot of people won't be happy - possibly including cable viewers, who will have to pay for the service even if they never watch a single minute of it.
You can see the full list of applicants here.