I'm not quite sure how this will go over, but the CRTC is trying to measure the average consumer's Internet connection speed, presumably so they can discover whether you're getting what your provider has promised.
They say they would only measure the speed when you're not on the web, which for many of us would be when we're at work or asleep. But would you trust the CRTC to only monitor your speed and not what you're looking at? I believe them when they state their goal and I'm not sure the tech they need to get these results would actually be able to spy on you.
But given my feelings about the Commission over the years, I certainly would not be inclined to let them into my house for any reason.
Anyway, you can judge for yourself or learn how to sign up by reading their press release here.
What's the best speed test currently?
Many out there, but some are just an ad for a competing ISP...
Radiowiz wrote:
What's the best speed test currently?
I use Ookla Speedtest, FWIW.
The CRTC thinking it's terribly important to check customers internet speed reminds me of not only the basic tenet of emergency medicine, but also basic best business practices.
Wouldn't you think the CRTC fixing the price gouging, and competition practices for the customer first, (artificial respiration) is a higher priority than checking internet speed (stopping the bleeding).
Or does this come under the heading why should the CRTC start taking effective, positive action now after all these years when a bandaid solution will do...
Last edited by betaylored (May 10, 2019 12:53 am)