After being gone from CFRB’s morning show for more than a month, a clearly refreshed John Moore was back on 1010 Monday morning. And just after the 7:30 news, he took about five minutes to detail what happened to him.
In essence, he related that his father’s illness – among other things – led to a growing anxiety that eventually became overwhelming. And it was Mayor John Tory, an old colleague, who told him to ask management to give him a month off. He was relieved and perhaps even a bit surprised when they said yes.
He talked about visiting his dad in Ottawa, where he’s currently in the gloomy last stages of Alzheimer’s.
He says he’s seeing a therapist, has taken up meditation, received a ton of support from friends, and now scrupulously avoids Twitter and other social media as much as possible, which he calls “like taking a bath in garbage.”
He concluded by saying they’d made some changes at the station, “which you won’t notice,” but which are designed to make his life easier.
Without getting too smarmy, having a parent with dementia is something I know all too well and I can certainly understand how stressful it is. But I’m impressed at his courage in being willing to open up about his experience – what he called his Oprah-like journey – and then get right back on the broadcast horse. Although in the case of being a morning man, that’s more often like a bucking bronco!
They've posted his explanation on their site and you can hear it here.
Remember when John was just the fluff entertainment guy ..
John has grown leaps & bounds and, in my view, now sits at the top of Toronto radio hosts.
A true professional.
g121 wrote:
John has grown leaps & bounds and, in my view, now sits at the top of Toronto radio hosts.
A true professional.
Agreed. He is quite good.
Media types aren't insulated from life's mile a minute challenges and I honour John Moore for being authentic...
I am wondering if more media personalities need to be real with listeners as we are all cope with issues like suicide, Alzheimer's, cancer, loss of a loved one, illnesses like anyone else would and a little leave of absence and being opaque about things doesn't hurt.
g121 wrote:
Remember when John was just the fluff entertainment guy ..
John has grown leaps & bounds and, in my view, now sits at the top of Toronto radio hosts.
A true professional.
Have you listened to the new John Moore since he came back?
I actually think he has gotten a lot worse. He keeps ranting from his high horse about how much he hates Twitter - he sounds like that guy you know who does not watch TV or does not lock his door or does not eat meat and cannot stop sanctimoniously telling you about it.
And as for his new perspective and meditation app and whatever - how does that explain him smugly sighing and gasping in frustration while interviewing Christine Elliot about the Toronto Health cuts. He sounded like someone who was frustrated and burnt out frankly like someone who could use a leave of absence, not someone who just returned from one with a whole new lease on life.
John's politics are not my cup of tea but I was able to tolerate the pre-breakdown John Moore because he really was somewhat level-headed about it. So far John 2.0 is a huge dud and if anything was tweaked it was in the wrong direction toward deranged and ranting rather than more stable. He is clearly not doing the meditation right and needs a new guru or a new mantra or both.
Personally, I agree about Twitter and I find it very negative and has little to offer and have disengaged from it long ago. . How you transposed his dislike that to "=12px he sounds like that guy you know who does not watch TV or does not lock his door or does not eat meat and cannot stop sanctimoniously telling you about it."
Wow !!!!
milton wrote:
g121 wrote:
Remember when John was just the fluff entertainment guy ..
John has grown leaps & bounds and, in my view, now sits at the top of Toronto radio hosts.
A true professional.Have you listened to the new John Moore since he came back?
I actually think he has gotten a lot worse. He keeps ranting from his high horse about how much he hates Twitter - he sounds like that guy you know who does not watch TV or does not lock his door or does not eat meat and cannot stop sanctimoniously telling you about it.
And as for his new perspective and meditation app and whatever - how does that explain him smugly sighing and gasping in frustration while interviewing Christine Elliot about the Toronto Health cuts. He sounded like someone who was frustrated and burnt out frankly like someone who could use a leave of absence, not someone who just returned from one with a whole new lease on life.
John's politics are not my cup of tea but I was able to tolerate the pre-breakdown John Moore because he really was somewhat level-headed about it. So far John 2.0 is a huge dud and if anything was tweaked it was in the wrong direction toward deranged and ranting rather than more stable. He is clearly not doing the meditation right and needs a new guru or a new mantra or both.
a lot worse?!?!? .. he's been on 1010 for decades, was gone for 6 weeks & he's only been back all of 2 days.
John was clear that he's trying to reduce negativity in his life .. Twitter is filled with a cesspool of negativity, moaning, bellyaching, mocking, etc, etc. So reducing Twitter usage makes sense.
i heard that Christine Elliot interview this morning. my opinion of her dropped significantly with the BS she was spewing (& suspect John was feeling the same). She was trying to play up a $15M seniors health program .. $15M for the hundreds of thousands of seniors in Toronto. any help is good but don't dramatically overstate the impact. and Tory has confirmed, yet again, Ford & company are doing stuff impacting the city with zero consultation with the city. Ford continues to give Toronto the "middle finger".
If you want to talk about over-the-top opinion, deranged ranting & trying to drown out all others .. look at the guy who comes on after Moore. Suggesting Moore is anyway close to Agar in ranting is simply ludicrous.
Stinand wrote:
Personally, I agree about Twitter and I find it very negative and has little to offer and have disengaged from it long ago. . How you transposed his dislike that to "=12px he sounds like that guy you know who does not watch TV or does not lock his door or does not eat meat and cannot stop sanctimoniously telling you about it."
Wow !!!!
Since you asked, here is how: I have listened to most of the show for his two days back and I cannot count the number of times he mentioned how he was trying to distance himself from Twitter and negativity etc., at the same time making multiple casual references to reading his Twitter all the time, while being snide and negative and derisive with aggressive and nasty tones to his guests whose opinions he did not share as well as subject persons not present whose opinions he did not share.
And for the record I agree with his, and your, contention about Twitter. But I don't go around telling people that all day long only to turn around and go back on it.
Last edited by milton (April 30, 2019 12:18 pm)
g121 wrote:
i heard that Christine Elliot interview this morning. my opinion of her dropped significantly with the BS she was spewing (& suspect John was feeling the same). She was trying to play up a $15M seniors health program .. $15M for the hundreds of thousands of seniors in Toronto. any help is good but don't dramatically overstate the impact. and Tory has confirmed, yet again, Ford & company are doing stuff impacting the city with zero consultation with the city. Ford continues to give Toronto the "middle finger".
I am not sure why you are trying to turn this into a debate about the politics as that is clearly off topic for this forum. I was only referring to his demeanour. He conducted the interview like a smug know-it-all and like I said even let out one or two dejected sighs and frustrated little grunty interjections. This is not how people fresh from learning mindfulness and clearing their life of negativity conduct conversations with anyone about anything, regardless of whether such people are radio hosts and when their interlocutor is talking what they clearly believe to be shite. A mindful approach would maintain a steady blood pressure and resemble much more letting the person spew their shite and calmly lay it out there on the table for his audience to smell.
The fact that you managed to turn a discussion about demeanor into a rant of your own about the public health etc. on here suggests to me that perhaps your opinion is preventing you from looking at his demeanor objectively.
He has demonstrated some of the same apoplexy during some of the round tables even when he was with a friendly panel where they all pretty much agreed. You could almost hear him rolling his eyes as he smugly condescended on the opinions of people not in the conversation. This is not how someone fresh from a rejuvenating break taking up meditation and mindfulness reacts to ideas they do not like or support. This is how someone who needs such a tune up reacts.
Last edited by milton (April 30, 2019 12:37 pm)
g121 wrote:
If you want to talk about over-the-top opinion, deranged ranting & trying to drown out all others .. look at the guy who comes on after Moore. Suggesting Moore is anyway close to Agar in ranting is simply ludicrous.
Actually that is not what I want to talk about, but since you brought it up, the difference is that whether or not Jerry Agar is guilty of what you are accusing him of, he does not do so at that same time as claiming to have purged his life of negativity and being some kind of paragon of positivity and having discovered some kind of new zen plane where all is calm and well like John Moore has for the past two days while, as I suggest, even more smugly condescending to those with whom he does not agree than he did before he became "enlightened".
In fact a really good example is how John has long handled the transition he does with Jerry every morning. He does it, in my opinion, almost always flawlessly, considering we all know he probably despises Jerry's politics and surely his style as well. But he takes a calm approach to their little crossover and lets Jerry rant away if he so chooses. He does not climb down into the mud and sling it out with him. That is mindfulness. That is how a mindful person would have handled the Christine Elliot interview. That is not how the newly-mindful John Moore handled it today.
Last edited by milton (April 30, 2019 12:22 pm)
Stinand wrote:
Personally, I agree about Twitter and I find it very negative and has little to offer and have disengaged from it long ago. . How you transposed his dislike that to " . . . he sounds like that guy you know who does not watch TV or does not lock his door or does not eat meat and cannot stop sanctimoniously telling you about it."
Artificial Intelligence
I don't think he is doing Twitter right. Maybe these school teachers can help.