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April 12, 2019 11:32 am  #1

Bell Express Vu Makes Surprising Request Of CRTC At Licence Hearing

Normally, the renewal of a licence for a company like Bell Express Vu wouldn’t attract much attention. But one request to the CRTC in a upcoming hearing had me raising my eyebrows.
In additional to asking permission to drop 43 stations carried in standard definition in various markets, this alteration was among the ones they hope the commission will grant:
- a condition of licence that would permit the licensee to blackout certain television programs where program substitution is not technically feasible
Yes, you read that right. It appears to say that if they can’t do simsub, they would deny subscribers the right to watch the show at all. What a ridiculous idea. I’m not entirely sure what kind of program they’d be referring to and I doubt the scenario would happen often. But still, I can’t envision why you wouldn’t just show the thing if it aired on say, U.S. TV but not in Canada and you carried the American station.
If this is what it seems to be (and I’ll be happy to be corrected) it makes me very glad I’m not an Express Vu customer.


April 12, 2019 1:10 pm  #2

Re: Bell Express Vu Makes Surprising Request Of CRTC At Licence Hearing

RadioActive wrote:

If this is what it seems to be (and I’ll be happy to be corrected) it makes me very glad I’m not an Express Vu customer.

Final. Straw. Camel's. Back.

If they are granted this, that's a dish off my roof.


April 12, 2019 1:36 pm  #3

Re: Bell Express Vu Makes Surprising Request Of CRTC At Licence Hearing

The bean counters/execs/suits at both Rogers & Bell are cocksuckers...

As if you needed more proof



April 12, 2019 1:58 pm  #4

Re: Bell Express Vu Makes Surprising Request Of CRTC At Licence Hearing

Very interesting.

This seems to be specific to their Satellite offering, not their FIBE service.  In a way, that's understandable because there are bandwidth limits to how many channels they can carry.

We're Bell satellite Customers and are actually contemplating a move to a new house.  I've heard that Bell is very anxious to get people off the dish and onto FIBE and that they've made it _very_ financially advantageous to do so.  I'll be curious what I find, especially since the house we're looking at right now already has a mounted Bell dish.

As for the simsub, that's just scummy.  But it's not without precedent.

I remember (quite a few) years ago when A&E was going to run a Monty Python movie and their airing had to be replaced with other programming because CITY has the broadcast rights to the movie and wasn't running it that night so simsub couldn't happen.


April 12, 2019 6:05 pm  #5

Re: Bell Express Vu Makes Surprising Request Of CRTC At Licence Hearing

Peter the K wrote:

This seems to be specific to their Satellite offering, not their FIBE service.  

Also, there's Alt-TV... 

RadioWiz & RadioQuiz are NOT the same person. 
RadioWiz & THE Wiz are NOT the same person.