Not sure if you watched the Agenda with Steve Paikin on TVO last night,k but he had a panel discussion on the challenges in revenues, and readership in the Digital News business...
It is a fascinating discussion if you watch the video, and I am wondering how the representative from Postmedia didn't crawl across the table and punch out one of the other panelists...
The digital news agencies (Buzzfeed, Vice, Huffington Post and the like) are laying off staff and pairing down in this major time of change in how we consume or don't consume news content.
Here is more on the show and the link to watch last night's debate.
Last edited by Muffaraw Joe (February 26, 2019 12:26 pm)
LocalNewsGuy wrote:
things of interest: "we don't attempt to report the news, just stories we think will rile up our base and give us clickbait" (P.S....before anyone claims that the Star, CBC and the Globe all do the same thing, I would point out that at least these institutions have public editors and are members of various regulatory bodies, such as the Ontario Press Council and CBSC).
I read the Post in my local coffee shop and then often leave it there for the next visitor. Of the two recent issues currently in my blue box:
Thur Feb 21 -- three letters to the editor on A9, all of which express opinions and none appear to be intended to raise a reader's blood pressure, and
Sat Feb 23 -- three letters on A17 which seem consistent with the type of topics regularly seen in the Globe or Star and did not rile me up (or down)
Today's (Feb 26) issue contains four letters on A9. The Tuesday issue is often a gem because, as the Post does not publish Sunday or Monday, letters often attack Conrad Black whose weekly column appears in Saturday's issue. Excellent reading
Last edited by Ms. C. (February 26, 2019 11:36 am)
LocalNewsGuy wrote:
Which proves what, exactly?
That Conrad Black is a pompous idiot.
Last edited by Dial Twister (February 26, 2019 4:47 pm)
LocalNewsGuy wrote:
Which proves what, exactly?
Which proves that you should consider looking beyond Your Ward News and NOW for coverage of whatever it is that's evidently bothering you
LocalNewsGuy wrote:
closed down dozens of community newspapers across the country, fired hundreds of journalists and is now abandoning any pretense of objective journalism
You were evidently laid off from your local paper and now are understandably bitter. Even Mr. C. Black has had setbacks in his life, yet he has bounced back. With a positive attitude, you too can bounce back. Best wishes.
LocalNewsGuy wrote:
...a convicted felon who's shameless arse-licking has, as yet, failed to secure him what he most wants, which was noted in the iPolitics article posted earlier on this thread.
But, but, but, former convict, and failed media baron, Lord Black is such a loyal Brit...who enjoyed the United States prison system and fawns over its new Dear Leader. Who knows, in an administration of felons and liars, perhaps more than a pardon awaits His Lordship...a cabinet position perhaps? An ambassadorship? If RBG leaves the planet before January 2021, perhaps a seat on the Supreme Court for His Lordship, where he could wear his flowing House of Lords robes in the splendour he so obviously deserves. Wouldn't that be suitable repayment for all his neck licking (oops, wrong story) of 'The Donald'.
Is he Canadian? Is he a Brit? Is he American? Who knows. Money has no country.
Rex Murphy joins the fun: "Everyone in Canada has an opinion on Conrad Black -- he is as tough as an alder, as un-ignorable as the Continental Shelf. Weather systems have had less impact on Canada than Conrad Black".
He didn't seem to get around to shameless arse-licking or citizenship or net worth, so thank you for this morning's input
Ms. C. wrote:
Rex Murphy joins the fun: "Everyone in Canada has an opinion on Conrad Black -- he is as tough as an alder, as un-ignorable as the Continental Shelf. Weather systems have had less impact on Canada than Conrad Black".
He didn't seem to get around to shameless arse-licking or citizenship or net worth, so thank you for this morning's input
Thank you. It's always a pleasure to set the record straight.
LocalNewsGuy wrote:
I think he is a lazy columnist, one who increasingly makes stupid points without thought or consideration. He's opted to spout easy nonsense, rather than stop to ponder the implications of his own nationally syndicated words. Where once there was depth, now there is demagoguery. Where once there were thoughtful attempts to get at the truth for its own sake, now there are easy, loosely related lines strung together into articles with no discernible overall point. This decline is not dignified."
Anyone else you want to slag today?
Ms. C. wrote:
Anyone else you want to slag today?
He's not wrong. Rex is awful, but it is not a unique awfulness. Simply another loose turd in the Postmedia punchbowl.
Charlie wrote:
Lord Black's weekly guesting on Oakley's show is my single favorite listening of the week.