The recent discussion about AM 1220 and the mention of the defunct CJRN 710 Niagara Falls, got me looking on Google satellite images.
If I am correct, the old transmitter site is on Kraft Road in Fort Erie. It was also mentioned that there is a FM transmitter there. ,-78.9506263,85m/data=!3m1!1e3
I counted 10 or possibly 11 towers on this property. Did CJRN 710 need all these towers to control its direction? Also four of the towers seem to out of place compared to the others. Was another AM station possibly on this site?
Here's the entrance: ,-78.9504179,3a,60y,306.04h,81.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0fRaKVnGq-cujGXp5tyq9A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Anyway, this sure seems like a large piece of property to house a single FM transmitter. The google shots are from 2016, and maybe some of these towers have been taken down, but it looks pretty impressive from the images. I don't know whether the towers are lit, but it seems like a liability if they will never be used again.
I would think that 710 frequency would propagate pretty well. Given the station went silent in 2012 I guess there are no takers for the frequency. Just another AM station off the air...
Thanks for the information and comments Chuck.
Sad ending to what appeared to be an interesting station.
That piece of property the transmitter occupies must be worth some money.
Between CJRN and CHSC the Niagara area has seen its share of AM troubles.
A great site for a Niagara FM station would be the former Global Television tower in Stevensville, just north(ish) of Fort Erie.