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July 10, 2018 4:42 pm  #1

CRTC Orders Cdn. Radio Station To Make On Air Mea Culpa

Most of us are familiar with the Cdn. Broadcast Standards Council, which is designed by broadcasters to be self-policing and keep the CRTC at bay. Sometimes, their decisions will include an order for an apology or on-air admission of some wrongdoing that violated their self-imposed standards.
So it was a real surprise when I saw the CRTC doing the same thing. I wasn’t aware the Commission ever ordered public apologies. It centres on a small station you’ve never heard of in a Quebec town you’ve never been to. (CFOR-FM in Maniwaki, Quebec for the record.)
They received a slap-on-the-wrist short tem licence renewal Tuesday for a variety of non-compliance issues, including not keeping the proper logs and not contributing enough to their mandatory Canadian content development obligations.
So far, there’s nothing too strange there and a lot of stations have been caught up in that web. But this time, the CRTC ordered the station to air a series of announcements noting what they’d done wrong. These public apologies will have to hit air for five consecutive business days starting Sept. 1, airing three times between 6-10 am and again at 4-6 pm in a two week period.
(Apparently, this station was cited for similar sins in the past and was supposed to make the announcements then, but the guy in charge of doing that up and left and didn’t understand what he was supposed to do before exiting the place.)
I’ve seen a lot of stations chastised for doing things wrong by the CRTC, but I can’t recall ever seeing them forced to air a mea culpa on behalf of the Commission itself. Has anyone ever heard of the regulator doing anything like this before? Isn’t that what the CBSC is for?
CRTC Decision on CFOR-FM

Not only do they have to broadcast their public shame, but they have to assure the CRTC they did it, by sending this in after it's done:

In regard to the requirements set out in condition of licence 4 in Appendix 1 to CFOR-FM Maniwaki – Licence renewal and issuance of a mandatory order, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2018-231, 10 July 2018,

I, ________________________________ (NAME), on behalf of ________________________________ (LICENSEE), certify that the announcement regarding CFOR-FM Maniwaki’s non-compliance with the Radio Regulations, 1986 and its conditions of licence was duly broadcast three times a day and distributed in a reasonable manner between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. or between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. for five consecutive business days within the 14-day period immediately following 1 September 2018, the beginning of the new licence term, as follows: 

First date of broadcast: Time 1:  2  :3:
Second date of broadcast: Time 1:   2:   3:
Third date of broadcast: Time 1:   2:    3:
Fourth date of broadcast:  Time 1:   2:   3:
Fifth date of broadcast: Time 1:    2:    3: