The Commission originally refused to look into this, but growing evidence and complaints forced the feds to order the CRTC to start the probe into high pressure sales techniques that may be, shall we charitably say, questionable.
Ottawa orders CRTC to investigate telecoms for 'clearly inappropriate,' high-pressure sales tactics
Certainly a welcome investigation, but with so many former telecom members on the CRTC, I wonder how hard they'll actually be looking?
RadioActive wrote:
growing evidence and complaints forced the feds to order the CRTC to start the probe into high pressure sales techniques that may be, shall we charitably say, questionable.
But, what's the CRTC's end-game here? Regulating the workplace practises at the micromanagement level? How can they possibly enforce this? To be clear: I agree that there are "sales targets" and those employees that fail to meet very specific "goals" are "coached", then put on an "improvement plan" and, then, ultimately fired if targets are still not made, but, what can the CRTC possibly do? Bell is notorious for incredible pressures to upsell. And there are horror stories of them "selling" high-speed internet to seniors that don't even own a computer.
Just because they regulate the telcos at the spectrum levels, there is little they can do without monitoring every CSR transaction executed within each call centre. And you think the CRTC is slow now?!